Tree Lighting Party and Holiday Updates!

Hey Pandas! Jones here with some cool updates. First off, Pandanda had it's tree lighting party today and we had a blast! If you logged on today, you got a free winter '09 shirt! It is a pretty awesome item. Take a look.

Pretty sweet right? Well anyways, the party was a blast. Henry, Sheriff and the Mods sure like to party!
That is only part of the fun we had running around Pandanda! Here is an exclusive we got from Henry.

It seems like it will be a very Merry Christmas in Panda Land this year! Each Panda gets more then one gift! Check back here to find out what it is, because we will post FIRST!

Happy Holidays


Exclusive Holiday Updates!

While at PDG's hits party, Henry happened to let some exclusive information out. Take a look.
So now we know that next weekend, Pandanda will have a tree lighting party. Also, there will be new clothing and special holiday items near the winter party!

Full Party Review Later

How to keep your Potion FOREVER!

Hola, pandas! Here is how to keep your potion from Paige/Trixie:

1. Buy any potion
2. Drink it
3. Right when you drink, cancel the potion.
4. Then, click yes.
Here is a picture of me with the Dragon Tears potion FOREVER:

Hope you like it! You`ve heard it 1st here!

About: StuffyMan3

Hola, pandas! Welcome to Pandanda Posse! I`m a new author here. Here is my bio:

I love Pandanda. In 2009, I saw "Pandanda" when my cousin was showing me a picture on Google. So, I begged her to let me join it. Here is what she said: "Fine. But, right after you join, I show you the picture." So, we made a deal. And thats how I joined Pandanda. Here is a pix of my panda:

I am very fun and love to host parties. I bet you`ll like me. Lol.

PS: Here is my Twitter: PDcheatz

Snow on Pandanda!

When I logged in this morning, I was greeted by a freshly laid blanket of snow!

This means its holiday time! So this is just the begining. Henry has already told us that there will be a holiday party, contests, new items, and new furniture! He also said that the furniture catalog won't have Christmas Trees, but Mr. Elmhurst might. ;]